Secretary Naig Announces 15 Choose Iowa Dairy Innovation Grants


Contact: Don McDowell

AMES, Iowa (March 12, 2025) – Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig today announced that 15 Iowa dairy projects  have been awarded Choose Iowa Dairy Innovation Grants. The cost-share grants will help expand on-farm dairy processing and incorporate labor saving technology, both of which will help to increase the availability of Iowa dairy products for consumers to enjoy. The announcement was made at the Iowa State University Creamery in Ames, which was awarded a grant to expand cheese processing at their on-campus facility.

"The Choose Iowa Dairy Innovation Grant Program helps Iowa dairy farms by offering cost-share grants for new processing equipment or labor-saving technologies. Ultimately, consumers will benefit by enjoying a wider variety of Iowa dairy products," said Secretary Naig. "With funding for 15 projects, this program not only bolsters Iowa's dairy industry but also supports the growth of these farms and the vitality of the surrounding communities."

Choose Iowa received 33 grant requests totaling $1,568,230.73, a figure that was more than twice the $750,000 that was appropriated. The cost-share grants match up to $100,000 per project. The 15 projects will leverage a total investment of $4,127,863.81. In the first year of the grant, the $750,000 in state funding leveraged more than $2.2 million in total investment across the 20 projects.

“Iowa State Dairy Association is excited to celebrate the announcement of the Dairy Innovation Grant recipients. Now in its second year, this program has seen strong demand and demonstrated significant impact on Iowa’s dairy community,” said Robert Horst, a dairy farmer from Bristow and President of the Iowa State Dairy Association. “Whether funding initiatives to address labor challenges on the farm, or providing equipment to expand dairy processing, the grant program is making a difference for dairy farmers and Iowans alike. We look forward to the continued success of this program, which supports Iowa dairy farm families and enhances access to Iowa-made dairy products.”

The grants are assisting dairies with investments in pasteurization equipment, packaging and bottling products, milking robots, health monitoring, automated feeding systems, cleaning assistance, and much more. The program funds are not eligible to cover start-up costs, advertising, public relations, salary/benefits/wages, existing debt or any expenses incurred prior to awarding the grant. With the legislative intent of assisting smaller dairies and farmers, grant awardees must be in Iowa, have fewer than 50 employees, and be in good standing with pertinent regulatory agencies. Only dairies permitted and inspected by the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship were eligible. 

Choose Iowa Dairy Innovation Grants awarded today include the following projects, listed in alphabetical order within each category:

On-Farm Processing


Hightail | Plainfield | $11,688.00

Semi-automatic bottle filler, capper, and accessories

Total Project Budget: $23,376.00


Iowa State University Creamery | Ames | $25,480.00

1,000 lbs. capacity combo batch pasteurizer/cheese vat

Total Project Budget: $50,962.65


Labor Reducing Technology


Ambrosy Farm | Sherrill |$100,000.00

Two Lely A5 milking robots

Total Project Budget: $1,136,782.58          


Conway Farms | Lansing | $6,500.00        

Milk Taxi

Total Project Budget: $13,354.00


Cornbelt Dairy | Marcus |$100,000.00

Two Lely robotic milkers                           

Total Project Budget: $422,628.68             


Demmer Dairy | Dundee | $34,000.00 

OptiDuo feed pusher and the BA 200 ear tag monitoring system

Total Project Budget: $68,000.00               


Double D Dairy | Holy Cross |$100,000.00                             

Four DeLaval milking robots

Total Project Budget: $920,595.44 


Edgewood View Dairy | Sherrill | $16,922.30                          

Health Monitoring System

Total Project Budget: $33,844.60


Enyart Dairy | Postville | $100,000.00       

Two Lely A5 robotic milkers & One Lely Manure Collector

Total Project Budget: $612,772.00 


Five M Dairy | Dorchester | $14,263.09      

Lely Juno Flex

Total Project Budget: $28,526.18 


Gaul's Hillside Holsteins | Holy Cross | $20,000.00               

DeLaval BA200 activity monitoring system

Total Project Budget: $43,632.99               


Hagen Dairy | Waterville | $33,242.27        

Trans-Iowa low-cost parlor

Total Project Budget: $75,545.00               


Klein Farms | Durango | $30,404.34          

DeLaval BA300 activity monitoring system

Total Project Budget: $60,808.68               


Knapptime Dairy | Larchwood | $100,000.00                          

Compost barn and 24-stall rotary parlor

Total Project Budget: $507,035.01


Putz Dairy | New Vienna | $57,500.00 

Two Lely discovery collectors                    

Total Project Budget: $130,000.00


The Choose Iowa program was initiated by Secretary Naig and is administered by the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship. The Choose Iowa Dairy Innovation Grant accompanies similar Choose Iowa grants to support value-added projects and expand meat processing. Choose Iowa’s marketing and brand program, now with 215 statewide members, continues to build momentum and visibility. Questions about Choose Iowa and its member benefits, grants and programs can be emailed to


About the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship

Led by Secretary Mike Naig, the Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship serves the rural and urban residents that call Iowa home. Through its 14 diverse bureaus, the Department ensures animal health, food safety and consumer protection. It also promotes conservation efforts to preserve our land and enhance water quality for the next generation. Learn more at