Acres of Opportunity is an Iowa Farm Bureau-inspired conference focusing on crop, livestock and business diversification opportunities for new and existing farmers.
During this one-day event, farmers will have the opportunity to attend over a dozen breakout sessions to gather information, resources and tools that can help them explore potential new revenue streams for their farm in niche areas such as specialty meat, poultry, small grains, flowers and more.
Attendees can connect with industry experts, including farmers who have successfully implemented alternative enterprises, and learn first-hand about new business models and revenue streams. There will also be business breakout sessions focused on loan programs, e-commerce, and grant opportunities.
To view the agenda, click here.
Choose Iowa will be featured on the agenda several times:
- "How do you Choose Iowa? Brand and Grant Opportunities" at 10 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. by Beth Romer, Choose Iowa program director
- "Raising and Selling Meat Birds" at 10 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. by Ashley Wenke of Pleasant Grove Homestead - Choose Iowa Value-Added Grant recipient in 2023
- " Ecommerce for Farmers/Small Business: Keys to Success" at 1:30 and 2:45 p.m. by Katie Olthoff and Sydney Hadacek of ChopLocal - Choose Iowa Value-Added Grant recipient in 2022
- "Developing a Specialty Meat Market" 1:30 and 2:45 p.m. by Steve Kerns of Mangalitsa Estates - Choose Iowa brand program member
- Closing keynote speakers from 4-5 p.m. featuring Colleen and Ralph Krogmeier of Hinterland Dairy - Choose Iowa brand program members
Registration is FREE for Farm Bureau Members and $60/per person for non-members.*
*For $60 or less, you can join Farm Bureau and enjoy the many benefits of membership including free admission to this conference and more. Learn more at https://www.iowafarmbureau.com/Member-Benefits
Bridge View Center
102 Church St
Ottumwa, IA 52501
United States
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The Choose Iowa events calendar is provided as a convenience to Choose Iowa program participants and affiliated agriculture organizations. Neither Choose Iowa nor the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship endorses or sponsors the event, conduct or management and cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information.