Lutheran Services in Iowa: 2023-2024 Value-Added Grant Recipient


Lutheran Services in Iowa has roots dating back to 1864, when a Lutheran children’s home was opened in Andrew, Iowa. In the 150+ years since then, the organization continued to expand services and individuals served. In 2003, Lutheran Services in Iowa (LSI) was created and three years later, LSI started Global Greens CSA, a community supported agriculture program. Global Greens CSA serves immigrant and refugee families and assists those who were farmers in their home countries with business and marketing. Global Greens CSA sells produce to immigrants, refugees and American-born consumers in the area.

LSI’s Choose Iowa grant project will add value to Global Greens CSA’s produce and expand its market. This will be achieved by increasing the CSA’s capacity to process, store and pack produce and enhancing equipment for incubator farm produce raised by non-American born farmers. LSI will purchase a commercial utility sink, vegetable washer/dryer, transportation cart for produce and several other pieces of equipment. 

Lutheran Services in Iowa expects to increase Global Greens CSA’s sales and revenue as well as sales channels for farmers participating in its Global Greens Program. The organization strives to unite, respect, grow and empower the people they serve; and this project will allow LSI to continue this mission and promote Iowa agriculture. 

A women walks through a field with a large black bin balanced on her head and an orange basket held in her arms.
Roza gathering produce from the Global Greens farm. 
A woman holds a small basket of tomatoes.  She stands behind a table covered in other sorts of fresh produce.
Scolastica selling produce from the Global Greens Farm at the Global Greens Farmers Market. 

