Burkhart Family
Picket Fence Creamery is a dairy farm, creamery, country store and bottling plant owned by the Burkhart family. The dairy farm near Woodward has been operating since the mid-1980s and the creamery and country store began in 2003. The country store offers milk, ice cream, whipping cream, cheese curds, Neva’s Cheeseball as well as local beef, pork, buffalo, elk, lamb, chicken and eggs. Picket Fence Creamery partners with other local Iowa producers to carry its products in their stores.
Picket Fence Creamery’s Choose Iowa grant project will increase production capacity for new value-added dairy products, including cheese. The creamery will purchase a 600-gallon cheese vat that will be used to make cheese and cottage cheese. This project will add value to the fluid milk the dairy farm produces. In addition, it will expand the creamery’s market to cheese consumers as well as additional wholesale customers.
The creamery expects to increase production, fluid milk sales, value-added product sales, overall sales and profit margins. The project will support Picket Fence Creamery’s effort to produce high quality dairy products for its consumers and promote Iowa ag products.
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