Echollective Farm: 2023-2024 Value-Added Grant Recipient

Molly Schintler

Echollective Farm began in 2000 as a garden-sized business in Mechanicsville. It has grown significantly since then and now grows several varieties of vegetables, fruits, herbs and flowers on 51 acres. The farm sells its products to” local restaurants, local grocery stores and Cornell College; through the Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program and local food hub; and at the Iowa City Farmers Market. The farm also strives to care for its land and incorporates many conservation measures. 

Echollective Farm’s Choose Iowa grant project will expand its cold storage and add fruit and vegetable processing. This will involve enclosing its produce wash and pack area to make it usable year-round, installing a walk-in cooler to expand storage capacity, and scaling-up its produce storage system for increased efficiency. The project will allow the farm to store and process products through the winter and continue to expand its markets.

The farm expects to increase sales and overall revenue. In addition, the farm plans to expand its market by supporting larger CSA program, increasing the number of farmers with whom they partner and positively impact, and increasing other customers, including local restaurants, grocery stores and schools. The mission of Echollective Farm is to grow food to nourish people and the planet. This project will support their efforts to produce fresh, organically grown, local food that is grown with the consideration for clean water, breathable air and healthy soil. 

Three ladies stand in a vegetable field with arms brimming with piles of radishes.
Echollective Farm produces tons of fruits and vegetables each year. The Choose Iowa grant will allow them to store and sell more of these fruits and vegetables through the late fall and winter months. 