Choose Iowa Surpasses 100 Member Milestone

DES MOINES, Iowa (Sept. 25, 2024) – Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig announced today that Choose Iowa, the state’s official brand and marketing initiative for Iowa grown, Iowa raised, and Iowa made food and ag products, has surpassed 100 members statewide and is continuing to build momentum. 

Overseen by the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, Choose Iowa connects consumers with the high-quality products grown, raised, and made by Iowa farmers and small businesses. Secretary Naig made the milestone announcement as part of Iowa Local Food Day, which is celebrated statewide on the fourth Wednesday of September each year

“Farmers, processors, retailers and many others from across the state are becoming Choose Iowa members to showcase that their products are from Iowa. With consumers increasingly looking to shop local and support Iowa farmers and businesses, the Choose Iowa logo can give them confidence that they are purchasing Iowa products and keeping their dollars in their community,” said Secretary Naig. “Now with over 100 members statewide and more joining every week, we are excited to see how Iowa’s signature brand will continue to grow – creating value and visibility for members and local options for consumers. If you are selling Iowa grown, Iowa raised, or Iowa made food and ag products, we invite you to become a Choose Iowa member and connect with our Choose Iowa team to get started.”

Iowans can connect with Choose Iowa through Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), YouTube, and the Choose Iowa website, which includes several user-friendly features for both members and consumers. 

Find Local Directory on

The “Find Local” directory allows consumers to easily search for local products from Choose Iowa members. Consumers can search by location, name, type of product, online or in-person sales, site amenities, and whether they offer agritourism experiences or other events, among other search options. Each Choose Iowa member populates a profile which includes products or services offered, contact information, photos, and much more. Whether you are looking for locally sourced meat, in-season produce, farm-fresh eggs or dairy, Iowa-produced honey, Iowa wine, or any number of products, the “Find Local” directory is your go-to source. The directory will continue to grow as more members are added. 

What’s In Season on

The “What’s In Season” page on showcases dozens of products grown, raised, or made in Iowa. Consumers can visit the page to look for what products are in-season and then click on the product name to find Choose Iowa members who offer it for sale. 

Events Calendar on

Whether it’s visiting an apple orchard or pumpkin patch in the fall with family, enjoying an open house during the holidays, or experiencing an authentic farm-to-table dinner during the summer, the regularly updated events calendar on offers a wide variety of fun agritourism and educational experiences. 

Choose Iowa Grants

Choose Iowa also offers grants to expand the availability of Iowa grown, Iowa raised, and Iowa made products. The grants page on includes details on Choose Iowa Dairy Innovation Grants and Choose Iowa Value-Added Grants, among others. The Department will be making additional announcements about the availability of these grants in the coming weeks and months.

Additional Features also includes additional resources for kids and teachers, a blog, recipes, and news about the program and its members

Become a Choose Iowa Member

Choose Iowa membership offers a full suite of benefits. For just $100 annually, members can showcase their Iowa grown, Iowa raised, and Iowa made products with the official logo on their packaging and food labels for consumer trust and recognition. Through the customized profile in the Find Local directory, customers can easily locate and support their business. They can opt into cooperative advertising opportunities to amplify their reach, attract more customers, and leverage Choose Iowa digital platforms to increase their online presence and engage with a statewide audience. They receive valuable updates about grant opportunities, program enhancements, industry news, and more with the member newsletter. Learn more about Choose Iowa membership on and get started by signing-up today.  

Learn more about Choose Iowa by visiting and visit the Choose Iowa contact page to contact our team and find answers to frequently asked questions.